I completely forgot I was supposed to have a baked potato with butter on it.
I am not sure how this will change things. I wonder if I should eat it today, or if that would only further mess things up. I am going to email the original posters of the diet and see if I get a response. I realized my mistake, while trying to fall asleep. I was full though, so I could not have eaten it. Plus I didn't want to stay up another hour. I haven't eaten yet today, because Evee is still sleeping, and I want a smoothie. I don't dare run the blender though. My plan is a blackberry and blueberry smoothie :) (water, ice, blackberries, and blueberries) and I think it will be a great breakfast, then doing some leg lifts.
Edit: I ended up doing strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries for my smoothie. mmmmmmmm it is yummy. I wish I could have put some honey in it though.

Edit 2: Midmorning snacktime! White Grapes mmmmmmmm.
I have not gotten an e-mail back from the main site about whether or not I should eat the potato today :/ so I won't unless I hear otherwise.
Edit 3: Ugh, why do you always want what you can't have? I swear, Monday I am having turkey burgers, salmon, and whole wheat pancakes with honey and berries on top. I am craving all these things so badly! I also really want a doughnut. Last night we went on a walk, and saw one, swarming with bugs, on the sidewalk. It made me want one. Which is sad and weird. Hehehehe :) but I am trying so hard not to lose it. Maybe I should dig out some celery and snack. I wish I had more carrots left, and maybe some tomatoes. I would make a little soup if I did. I still have heard nothing back about the potato :( Oh and I had cooked broccoli for lunch. Evee stole some of it :)
Edit 4: I had cantaloupe for my dinner tonight. Evelyn stole a ton of it :) she really liked it. I had a lot! I feel full, but I still have some cravings. *sigh* please someone out there have a cookie for me :)
Edit 5: I had grapes for a late snack, and now I am feeling pretty tired, so I will be going to bed.
I am dreading tomorrow, because I hate bananas. I think I will start my morning with a banana and skim milk smoothie, with a little cinnamon and nutmeg though. Hopefully that will turn out edible :)
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