I was very disappointed to find that the only recipes that sounded really yummy, and not extremely time consuming, had to be made with all purpose flour. I do not have any of that :( I buy wheat flour. I have 3 different types of wheat flour, but no all purpose. So I looked in my fridge.
What I did have, was croissants.
So in a small mixing bowl I mixed the following
1/2 stick room temperature butter
4 dashes of ground cinnamon
1 tbsp of white sugar
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
Then I rolled our the croissants. I wasn't sure what the most effective way to arrange them would be. For the first couple, I pinched two croissant triangles together. Then I put the butter mixture on them, rolled them up, and cut them in half. They looked like cinnamon rolls. For the next two I made them into little buns by just folding them up so there were no openings. For the last of them, I just made them like a regular croissant. On top of all of them, I put just a little more of the butter mixture on top.
I baked them at 375 for about 10 minutes until I liked the color they were.
They were delicious. They did not taste like cinnamon rolls, but they were yummy. They tasted like cinnamon toast, only softer. I would eat and make them again. I haven't decided which fold worked best. They tasted the same to me, so it is all preference. The ones that look like cinnamon rolls definitely took longer to make, so unless you are displaying them for someone, you might as well just roll them up like regular croissants.

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