Well today I was looking through my personal Pinterest, and I decided to try something!
(I might make this a weekly thing!)
Tonight I did the detox bath.

I am not a bath person. I honestly find taking a bath to be the opposite of relaxing. I find it utterly boring. I sit there, and I am just thinking... okay what now? I just lay here? ugh, can I get out yet? So I was going into this a little biased. But I have been achy lately, and I am sure my system could use a cleanse. I will admit I wanted to get out in the first 5 minutes, but I toughed it out.
This is how you do it!
2 cups of epson salt (I got a carton for $1.84)
2 cups of baking powder (you can get for $1 at Dollar Tree)
and thats all you need! Oh and hot water. Fill the tub with hot water, as hot as you can take it.
Now here was the tough part... soaking in it for 40 minutes!!!
I ran the hot water, I swooshed around the salt and soda, I climbed in... and I wanted out.
I read that I would start sweating quickly, and they were right! I did. I had my glass of ice water beside me though, and my wonderful Joshua put on a few episodes of Friends, for me to watch on the laptop :) So I wasn't quite as bored. I think the hardest part was that I had the water so hot that I couldn't breathe easily. I leaned out of the tub and that helped a ton, and then I was back in business. I watched the show, drank my water, and just laid in the tub.
When I got out (2 episodes = 40 minutes) I wrapped a towel around me, and went and sat on my couch while Josh got me more water. I could feel my heart everywhere on my body. Not racing, just thumping. I feel a little dirty, like I need to take a shower to rinse off or something, but otherwise, I feel pretty good. I feel kinda like how you feel when you do a face mask. Comforted and like something was released. So I approve this detox bath, even if it is a bath. I think this could be something I would do monthly.
(make sure you drink water if you do this!)
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