So, it seems (unbelievably!) that a lot of people don't know about The Lonely Island.
This is crazy people! Come on now :) Youtube it right now!
Well anyways, this year we decided to dress up as characters from their videos.
(Joshua actually asked me today if it was corny that he wants to continue
to do family themed Halloween costumes... Oh dear, I think if I had any doubts ever in
my mind about him--I didn't--they are entirely gone now...)
Joshua my dear, you are my perfect match <<<<---- okay enough mush now, moving on.
So I decided to be a creep :) from this video The Creep.
here are some pictures of me portraying the creep. (but seriously, watch the video. Joshua and I agree it is the first time we actually really enjoy hearing Nicki Minaj sing)

Yeah, check those argyle socks out! I wish you could see the pencil mustache better. we spent forever on it!
Joshua decided to be Justin Timberlakes recurring character. He is featured as this character in the music videos Dick in a Box, Mother Lover, and 3-way.
Here are some pictures for his portrayal.

Evelyn did a portrayal of the Sax Man. Now this is on The Lonely Island's album, but is performed by Jack Black. This was the only song that didn't mention sex, so that is the one we chose for her lol. There is no music video for this one, so if you want to hear it (which I recommend) just type in Jack Black, or Lonely Island, Sax Man. Here is her costume.

Our family pictures :)

We went trick or treating at a local university.
Evee had so much fun! She made out like a bandit as well!

I think my favorite part of our costumes though, was the fact that we only spent $5 total on all of it.
We had everything, except the blow up saxophone. We bought it on Amazon, and since we are
Amazon Prime members, we got a good deal on it. :)
I think next year we might do our original idea for this year (Rock, Paper, and Scissors) or we have discussed going as a ghostbuster, the librarian ghost, and the green slime ghoul.
Happy Halloween!
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