Our sweet kitty is sick :(
This week has been rough!
This post may be considered graphic by some, so if you are squeamish, I would stop reading it.
On Sunday evening, our cat (Rosie) started throwing up frothy pink water vomit. There was never any chunks of food or anything in it. Just watery pink vomit. She has never done that before, so we watched her. When she was doing it on Monday as well, I started googling local animal hospitals.
Joshua tried to get her to eat or drink something, but she would only stare at it, start to go for it, then change her mind. She would just lay down, and stay wherever.
I turned to EveryBlock.com. A website with localized news, events, and other posts from people in your own neighborhood. Several different hospitals were recommended to me. I called every single one of them. I got my notebook out so I could make comparisons on prices, payment plans, and how soon they could get her in. I completely crossed out any I found rude, because I did not want my kitty in a place where that was tolerated.
We ended up taking her to Broadway Animal Hospital.
It turns out she had swallowed a ribbon. About 9 inches of yellow ribbon, about a half inch wide. It balled up her intestines, and she was quite dehydrated.
They spent Monday evening/night rehydrating her. They hoped she could pass it on her own, but she was unable to :( So Tuesday morning they performed surgery on my little baby. They found nothing in her stomach, so the ribbon was all the way in her intestines. They "milked" it into her colon, so she could pass it. They said that her intestines didn't look dead, so they didn't think they would have to remove part of them.
Later on that day she passed the ribbon. Joshua brought it home so I could see what she had swallowed. :( poor baby.
This week has been so long, and crazy, I may have some of this out of order chronologically.
At one point they did a biopsy on her lymph nodes, but they did not send it in yet, because they may not need to. At one point she was not responding how they wanted her to, but they said it was to be expected that she might be out of it right after the surgery.
She was only supposed to be there 2 nights total :( that was the high estimate, 1 was the low. She has been there now for 3, and tonight makes night 4.
Today the doctor told us that she still isn't responding how they want her to, and she still isn't eating :( they are feeding her from a syringe to get her nutrients. On the plus side, she is no longer having bloody stools (she was after the surgery).
Now they are telling us that they think she may have internal bleeding, or that her intestines are messed up (described as a skinned knee, but on the inside of her intestines, from the ribbon).
They sent in lab work to find out her white blood count. It looks like she is going to be having another surgery. We told them to do what they need to, to get her back home to us.
We miss her. So much! She was our first little baby <3 and very much part of our family.
We are having a fundraiser to help with the vet costs, which with this new surgery, lab work, etc. will be double the estimated cost (so we are now looking at, at least a few grand). If anyone is interested in donating, you can go here. We appreciate any help we can get on this, even if it is pinning this to your pinterest, we appreciate it! All profits that exceed Rosie's medical bill, will be donated to a local shelter or animal hospital. We will not be keeping any of this money for ourselves. Tomorrow is Joshua and I's anniversary. We can't think of a better gift.
She is the sweetest, most chill cat. She sleeps at our feet, or on our stomachs, every night. She plays with our daughter, and lets her beat up on her sometimes (we are working on "gentle" and she is doing great). She keeps our laps warm when we play on the computer, and goes crazy chasing Evelyns goldfish crackers across the floor :) We want her home.
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