My original plan was for waffles, scrambled eggs, and bacon. Joshua however wasn't in the mood for waffles, so I wasn't sure what I should do. Should I just do eggs and bacon? I wanted another flavor since this would be our final meal. I decided I would make some croissants to go with it.
Then, as I was cooking the bacon, I decided I would make pockets!
They came out amazing. I took one bite, and my immediate reaction was (excuse my language) "Holy shit Josh, these are freaking delicious, come have one!" Then he took a bite and he immediately said "whoa." Then he continued to eat them. He is one for portion control, but he had 6 of them. He felt they needed one more thing though, some spicy salsa to dip in :)
They were so freaking good though. Plus they were filling! I only needed 2. I usually can out-eat Joshua, but this time, he took over.

Here is what I did for the egg and bacon pockets.
4 pieces of bacon, cut into smaller pieces
5 eggs
1 pkg croissant rolls
Shredded cheese of your choice (I used Mexican style)
Preheat oven to 350*
while the oven is preheating, cook the bacon on the stove top in a skillet
When the bacon is still soft (or if you want it crunchy, go for it) but cooked, add in the eggs right on top.
Cook them until they are scrambled. Still a little glisteny, but firm.
Spray your cookie sheet with non-stick spray (I use a water/vegetable oil solution in a spray bottle)
Set up the croissants on top of it, so they are ready to roll. Cover with desired amount of cheese.
Spoon the egg and bacon mixture on top of the croissants, and roll them up. You will have spillage on the sides. Roll like you would normally do a croissant, and then pull a little from underneath each side, so it forms a pocket, and contains a little of the spillage.
Bake for about 8-10 minutes until golden brown. Mine only took 8, and they were perfect. Depending on your oven though, you might need longer.
This dinner was soooo good! I think it could also work with sausage. I might add some peppers or mushrooms next time too.
So after dinner, I wanted dessert.
I have been watching DC Cupcakes (not a huge fan of Sophie, but I just like the food porn) so I decided to make cupcakes! I had previously found a recipe on Pinterest, entitled cupcakes for two, but I could not find it :( I know I pinned it, but clearly I am silly and didn't put it in the right place. So I did a Pinterest Search, and found this one.
I made a couple small changes, and they came out great!

Now one pretty obvious change I made, was that I did not use a cupcake liner.
This wasn't my first idea, but I could not find my liners anywhere. I have no idea what I did with them!
But still, it worked out okay. A tiny bit of the bottoms came off, but it was really small.
The only other change I made, was that I used 1/2 a tsp of almond extract, and 1/2 a tsp of vanilla, instead of the full tsp of vanilla. They were definitely almondy. I thought it was a little much, and said that next time I thought I would do a little less of the almond, or make a double batch (4 cupcakes!!!) and not increase the extract. Joshua, however, disagreed. He said the almond was wonderful.
I also added a little more milk than what it suggested. They were very yummy, so it must not have been a bad thing :)
I decided to put a little dab of Nutella on them while they were hot, and that was my icing.
Here is the recipe I used, with my alterations
1 egg white
2 tbl sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp almond extract
2 tbl melted butter
1/4 C. ap flour
1/4 heaping tsp baking powder
a pinch of salt
2 tbl milk
preheat oven to 350 (which was easy since I had just made the pockets at 350!)
Use liners, or grease your muffin tin
In a bowl, mix the sugar and egg white together. Add in the extracts and butter, mix.
Next mix in the flour, baking powder, and salt. Stir until blended, and add in the milk until it is all nice and smooth and you just want to eat the batter (try to resist)
Put in the oven. The original baking time recommends 10-12 minutes.
I tried for 10, but the middles were still gooey. They ended up going about 14 minutes. Maybe because of the extra milk? I don't know, but they came out soft, moist, and delicious! Just keep an eye on them :) Enjoy!
Oh, and Evee loved them too!

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