Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Rosie 11/06/12

Rosie seems to be doing great so far.  We went to bed, and she came to bed with us.  Nestled in her normal spot at our feet, and was there when we woke up.

When we got up, she got up.  She trotted right to her food, and ate it.
She was a good girl and took her pill (Joshua did it, I have to do the other medicine, so I thought it was fair hehe).  She has used the bathroom once that I have seen, and looks good!

About to give her, her other medicine now.

She seems to be in a good mood, so yay!  We call the doctor tomorrow to give them updates.  I love being on this side of things, instead of the one waiting for the call (though both of her doctors were wonderful about calling, I can't emphasize the appreciation I feel for them enough)

She spent a lot of the morning on my lap like this

I know it isn't Christmas yet, but this blanket is soft! as is the kitty snoozing on my lap!

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