Thursday, January 24, 2013

Yay for motivation

I am determined to fit into these two dresses that are hanging in my closet.

I bought them about 3 months before I found out I was pregnant, but it was winter, so I only got to wear each once.  I really want to wear them again.  Plus, now that we are in Chicago, we live near a beach!  I sooooo want to go to the beach a bunch this Spring and Summer. 

I don't know if my suit from last year will still fit, but if it doesn't, I hope to fit into my old pre-pregnancy suits.  I don't want to spend a bunch of money on a new one, unless I have to.

So I keep starting, then stopping, then starting and stopping again!  (<---- with workouts)

I started again this week.  My legs are on fired, and my arms hate me.  But today will be day 4 of me working out, and sticking to it.  I have also found a free weekly workout that is held at a church near me.  Once a week they offer 1 hour of intense workouts for all levels.  I couldn't go this week, because Joshua had meetings until afterwards, but I will go next week!  

I have been being good when it comes to eating too.  I still refuse to cut out things that I love, because that just seems silly to me.  But I am putting in more of things I enjoy, but don't crave.  For instance, today I would have loved to have the bean and cheese gas station burrito in our deep freeze, or the Chef Boyardee spaghetti and meatballs, for lunch.  Instead I had some whole grain crackers with peanutbutter, and a sliced cucumber with a little garlic salt.  Still something I like, though not what I craved.  Baby steps, baby steps, baby steps... I keep telling myself that.

Working out would be so much easier if you could see the results as you go.  But since they are under your skin, it takes weeks!  *sigh* But I am hoping to stick to it this time. 

Yesterday I almost didn't work out.  I didn't want to.  I told myself it was okay to take a day off.

But then... excuse the language about to follow... I told myself "fuck that, get your ass up or you will regret it tomorrow!" Then I worked out, then I e-mailed Joshua to let him know how proud of myself I was, because I kicked my own ass for being lazy. 

As most could probably guess, I use Pinterest a lot for finding recipes, workout routines, tips, or just motivational reminders.

Here are my Pinterest boards for working out & recipes.

These are some of my favorite things that I have found to really motivate me

Then there is this one... which I don't just apply to working out. 

When I see this one... it always makes me smile.  The words sound kind of funny to me.  Because of course I am not.  But really... the statement makes sense.  So many people put down their roots and don't want to change.  Or act as if they can't.  But they can.  If they really want to.

So this is my favorite :) 

No I am not a tree.

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