Friday, January 25, 2013

peanutbutter and celery

So I was thinking about the celery in our fridge, and when I should eat it.

Should I put it in soup?  Yes, of course
Should I put it in a casserole?  Yes, of course

But for snacking, I should definitely fill it with peanutbutter!

Then I was thinking how messy that would be.
Then I was struck with an idea!  What if I slightly melted the peanutbutter, just to where it is softer, then filled a disposable icing bag with it!  Of course this seems like more effort than needed for just snacking (I can always just dip the celery into the pb), but this would be perfect for all those family events!  I know someone else has probably thought of this, but I did too!  Yay me!  Finally, I have something that came to mind, rather than seeing it and thinking (how did I not think of that?!).  Yay!

Okay that was all :)

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