Monday, December 17, 2012


We don't get a lot of romance in our lives most days.

Luckily we are easily charmed, and little things go a long way.

I do not need flowers, candy, etc.  Honestly when he cooks, even a burger (which is about all he cooks... hint to all, don't try the grilled cheese :/ lol) it is a romantic gesture to me.  When he comes in and says "hey, you want to watch another episode of _____" <--- insert whatever show we are currently watching together, I find that wonderfully heartwarming.  Let's not even get into the video game butterflies he sets off.

Anyways, I know you may wonder if there is a point to this.  Well here is the point...
I have been working on some paintings that I am giving to relatives for Christmas.  (I already have the supplies, so cheaper than buying, and I think my 6 year old brother will really like having Angry Bird pictures in his room)

My legs were starting to kill me, but I powered through until nap time, because Joshua was so wonderful that he kept her out of the living room (which is where her toys and main time is spent) and kept her entertained, so I could continue.  I was not going to waste this time.  Well now she is down for a nap, and my knees and ankles are killing me (starting to wish I never sold my easel, but hey, the floor is better than nothing :) as is my lap).  So I got up and went and sat at my computer for a moment, and told him I needed a short break.  He suddenly got very excited, and slightly agitated.  Clicking on his computer, and telling me not to get comfortable.

Finally, he started playing Patsy Cline on YouTube and held out his hand.  He said "dance with me."  :) and we did.  While we danced he sang to me, and held me close.  "Crazy..." :) I got lots of kisses too, and nuzzles with his scratchy beard.  Then towards the end I hear him say "you know, I combed my beard for you this morning."  He said it so proudly, that with a slight smile, and in a whisper, I responded "I can't tell" in a very amused way.  He laughed, I laughed, we parted, and I came here to immediately blog about it... yes I know we are lame, but we are in love, and we still show it.  So if you are a guy, go be corny with your gal!  :)

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