We don't get a lot of romance in our lives most days.
Luckily we are easily charmed, and little things go a long way.
I do not need flowers, candy, etc. Honestly when he cooks, even a burger (which is about all he cooks... hint to all, don't try the grilled cheese :/ lol) it is a romantic gesture to me. When he comes in and says "hey, you want to watch another episode of _____" <--- insert whatever show we are currently watching together, I find that wonderfully heartwarming. Let's not even get into the video game butterflies he sets off.
Anyways, I know you may wonder if there is a point to this. Well here is the point...
I have been working on some paintings that I am giving to relatives for Christmas. (I already have the supplies, so cheaper than buying, and I think my 6 year old brother will really like having Angry Bird pictures in his room)
My legs were starting to kill me, but I powered through until nap time, because Joshua was so wonderful that he kept her out of the living room (which is where her toys and main time is spent) and kept her entertained, so I could continue. I was not going to waste this time. Well now she is down for a nap, and my knees and ankles are killing me (starting to wish I never sold my easel, but hey, the floor is better than nothing :) as is my lap). So I got up and went and sat at my computer for a moment, and told him I needed a short break. He suddenly got very excited, and slightly agitated. Clicking on his computer, and telling me not to get comfortable.
Finally, he started playing Patsy Cline on YouTube and held out his hand. He said "dance with me." :) and we did. While we danced he sang to me, and held me close. "Crazy..." :) I got lots of kisses too, and nuzzles with his scratchy beard. Then towards the end I hear him say "you know, I combed my beard for you this morning." He said it so proudly, that with a slight smile, and in a whisper, I responded "I can't tell" in a very amused way. He laughed, I laughed, we parted, and I came here to immediately blog about it... yes I know we are lame, but we are in love, and we still show it. So if you are a guy, go be corny with your gal! :)
Monday, December 17, 2012
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Feeling Special :)
I just logged on real quick, and saw my blog has 1111 views!!! I feel so special right now. Thank you whoever is reading!
Christmas Time
So sorry for being gone so long! So much going on lately, good and bad.
Let us start with the bad, so we can get to the good, and leave on a happy note.
Over the last few weeks we have had some money trouble, oh the fun! But with vet bills, vaccinations needed for school, tuition payments, a baby (oh diapers... sad face), and 2 dollars to do one load of laundry (with 3 people living in the house, it stacks up! way to go little baby lol).
So that has been fun, but it looks like Joshua has found a possible job :) we will know more right after the new year. He is considering taking a little time off from school so he can work and we can get back to good on our finances. I sold some of my stuff so we could have a nice Christmas :) so at least that is good! Plus we get to have Olivia for a few days after Christmas! (oh yeah, those are good things, wrong section!)
Another special thank you to all of the donations we have received from generous people to our Donation Site. We are over 600 dollars right now, which won't cover all of Rosie's medical bills, but will at least help out since we have so many other things going on.
After the finances, we still had a little bad luck with some injuries. My wrist is starting to finally get better. I think I mentioned it weeks ago. I hurt it when I was helping carry my daughters stroller, up a set of stairs from the train (no elevator, sad face). It looks like I had a mishap with my muscle, and I am told 6-8 weeks is the norm for it to heal. So it has been I think about 5 weeks now? Almost 6? so yay!
Now here is some inbetween news. Both good and bad.
Evelyn is getting new teeth!!!
When she was 11 months old, her two bottom teeth came in together. Since then, nothing, nada, niente.
During the last 2 weeks or so though, she has had 2 molars coming in, an upper vampire fang, another bottom tooth, and another upper one (not sure what they are called). So yay! Lots of teeth :) On the downside, there has been a couple of days where she has been eh... not too happy, extra crabby... but she can chew her food better, and we feel better giving her crunchy things.
Now for all the good things!
Joshua may have found a job! Sure it is a downer that he won't be going to school for a quarter (his school goes by the quarter system) but it will be so nice to have some security again. He is only taking one quarter off though, it does not do a lot of good to postpone something so important to our future for a long time.
I signed up to be an egg donor :D I am very excited to hear back. I have always wanted to do this, but between giving birth, nursing, or living really far away from the nearest clinic, I just haven't had the chance. Now we live pretty close, and I am really happy about my decision :) I can't think of a better gift to give a family, than a baby!
Evelyn took her first steps last weekend. She has only taken a few since then, but it was so great. Joshua and I were so lucky in this crazy important event. We were both in the room with her, coaxing her with "you can do it"'s and "one foot in front of the other"'s :) She did it, and she celebrated!
Evelyn has also learned some new things in the last week. She can now say (sorta, but we know what she is saying) cookie, cracker, cupcake, goldfish, sippy cup, and kitty. We also taught her how to fist bump, which can be added to her other wicked cool abilities (touchdown, raise the roof, patty cake, itsy bitsy spider, big belly, etc).
I went with a friend to dollar tree and got a couple cute things to add to my trunk of Christmas decorations. I love that I was able to make my place look awesome, with old things, and $5 worth of new ones! :)
I finished allllll of my Christmas shopping in the week following Thanksgiving, and I did not even have to go into black friday hell. I am still working on a couple gifts, that I am making myself, from things I already have. We have gotten a bunch of stuff in the mail too, from family we don't get to see often, and they are sitting under our tree.
Rosie is doing AWESOME. She is actually better than before I think. Josh asked me last night if I thought there was anything different with Rosie. I said that I think she plays differently. He asked me to clarify, and I told him that he often plays with Evee now in a very rambunctious way. Tapping her leg, then running away, and getting in the pounce position. She is acting like a brand new little kitten, rather than her lazy cat self. She is much more spunky, and really wants to play allllll of the time. If we had our money we would really be getting her a new companion, especially for night time bursts of energy. :)
In addition her weight is gaining back to normal, her hair is growing back, and she is still really sweet :) Though now she is obsessed with trying to find ribbon, or other strands. She was never this enthusiastic before, and sometimes I swear I want to rip my hair out when I see her trying to find something lol. Do you have a deathwish cat? :) I love her though. Silly kitty.
Okay now time for the pictures!!!

Evelyn discovering the tree for the first time :) The day after Thanksgiving

Snow Man doormat (dollar tree!)

Gifts under the tree (the green basket on the left, dollar tree!!!)

The front door (giant stocking, dollar tree!!!)

Scraps of felt, and construction paper that I already had on hand

Felt Christmas tree for Evelyn :)

Wall decoration (from dollar tree! seriously this is probably my favorite thing!)

Snowflake ballerinas (already had the material, yay!)

Cherry Almond cupcakes that I made for Joshua :) Evee also loved them.
Let us start with the bad, so we can get to the good, and leave on a happy note.
Over the last few weeks we have had some money trouble, oh the fun! But with vet bills, vaccinations needed for school, tuition payments, a baby (oh diapers... sad face), and 2 dollars to do one load of laundry (with 3 people living in the house, it stacks up! way to go little baby lol).
So that has been fun, but it looks like Joshua has found a possible job :) we will know more right after the new year. He is considering taking a little time off from school so he can work and we can get back to good on our finances. I sold some of my stuff so we could have a nice Christmas :) so at least that is good! Plus we get to have Olivia for a few days after Christmas! (oh yeah, those are good things, wrong section!)
Another special thank you to all of the donations we have received from generous people to our Donation Site. We are over 600 dollars right now, which won't cover all of Rosie's medical bills, but will at least help out since we have so many other things going on.
After the finances, we still had a little bad luck with some injuries. My wrist is starting to finally get better. I think I mentioned it weeks ago. I hurt it when I was helping carry my daughters stroller, up a set of stairs from the train (no elevator, sad face). It looks like I had a mishap with my muscle, and I am told 6-8 weeks is the norm for it to heal. So it has been I think about 5 weeks now? Almost 6? so yay!
Now here is some inbetween news. Both good and bad.
Evelyn is getting new teeth!!!
When she was 11 months old, her two bottom teeth came in together. Since then, nothing, nada, niente.
During the last 2 weeks or so though, she has had 2 molars coming in, an upper vampire fang, another bottom tooth, and another upper one (not sure what they are called). So yay! Lots of teeth :) On the downside, there has been a couple of days where she has been eh... not too happy, extra crabby... but she can chew her food better, and we feel better giving her crunchy things.
Now for all the good things!
Joshua may have found a job! Sure it is a downer that he won't be going to school for a quarter (his school goes by the quarter system) but it will be so nice to have some security again. He is only taking one quarter off though, it does not do a lot of good to postpone something so important to our future for a long time.
I signed up to be an egg donor :D I am very excited to hear back. I have always wanted to do this, but between giving birth, nursing, or living really far away from the nearest clinic, I just haven't had the chance. Now we live pretty close, and I am really happy about my decision :) I can't think of a better gift to give a family, than a baby!
Evelyn took her first steps last weekend. She has only taken a few since then, but it was so great. Joshua and I were so lucky in this crazy important event. We were both in the room with her, coaxing her with "you can do it"'s and "one foot in front of the other"'s :) She did it, and she celebrated!
Evelyn has also learned some new things in the last week. She can now say (sorta, but we know what she is saying) cookie, cracker, cupcake, goldfish, sippy cup, and kitty. We also taught her how to fist bump, which can be added to her other wicked cool abilities (touchdown, raise the roof, patty cake, itsy bitsy spider, big belly, etc).
I went with a friend to dollar tree and got a couple cute things to add to my trunk of Christmas decorations. I love that I was able to make my place look awesome, with old things, and $5 worth of new ones! :)
I finished allllll of my Christmas shopping in the week following Thanksgiving, and I did not even have to go into black friday hell. I am still working on a couple gifts, that I am making myself, from things I already have. We have gotten a bunch of stuff in the mail too, from family we don't get to see often, and they are sitting under our tree.
Rosie is doing AWESOME. She is actually better than before I think. Josh asked me last night if I thought there was anything different with Rosie. I said that I think she plays differently. He asked me to clarify, and I told him that he often plays with Evee now in a very rambunctious way. Tapping her leg, then running away, and getting in the pounce position. She is acting like a brand new little kitten, rather than her lazy cat self. She is much more spunky, and really wants to play allllll of the time. If we had our money we would really be getting her a new companion, especially for night time bursts of energy. :)
In addition her weight is gaining back to normal, her hair is growing back, and she is still really sweet :) Though now she is obsessed with trying to find ribbon, or other strands. She was never this enthusiastic before, and sometimes I swear I want to rip my hair out when I see her trying to find something lol. Do you have a deathwish cat? :) I love her though. Silly kitty.
Okay now time for the pictures!!!

Evelyn discovering the tree for the first time :) The day after Thanksgiving

Snow Man doormat (dollar tree!)

Gifts under the tree (the green basket on the left, dollar tree!!!)

The front door (giant stocking, dollar tree!!!)

Scraps of felt, and construction paper that I already had on hand

Felt Christmas tree for Evelyn :)

Wall decoration (from dollar tree! seriously this is probably my favorite thing!)

Snowflake ballerinas (already had the material, yay!)

Cherry Almond cupcakes that I made for Joshua :) Evee also loved them.
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