Well... better late than never, right?!
We went to see my family for the weekend, and to clean the old place up. We spent many hours making the place look amazing, and I must say I am proud :D
I have told many people already, and I will tell you also, you could eat off of any surface in our old bathroom. That is how clean and shiny I made it :)
I used very few chemicals the whole time! I would like to share :)
Did you know that if you put an oven safe bowl full of vinegar and water into your oven, that it will clean it?! Well it will at least help anyway :) I scoured the internet, and from a few different sources (yahoo answers, ehow, and wiki questions) I found enough to come up with this little "recipe."
What you need is:
1. An oven safe baking dish
2. Vinegar (I used regular, but I don't know why apple cider wouldn't work just as well)
3. Water
4. Sponge, cloth, or some scrubbing apparatus.
What you do.
1. Preheat your oven to 300*
2. fill the dish with 2 parts vinegar, to 1 part water.
3. Put the baking dish in the preheated oven.
4. Cook the liquid for about 30-40 minutes.
5. Resist the urge to open the oven door.
6. Turn off the oven after 30-40 minutes, but do not open the oven door.
7. Wait until the oven has cooled down to normal temperature (for me this was a couple hours).
8. Take out the dish and clean your oven :)
From what I understand, the trick is the fumes. The vinegar penetrates the caked on grease and food. This makes it so much easier to scrub off! I dipped the sponge I was using, into the baking pan with the leftover vinegar/water mixture and scrubbed :) There were a couple spots that needed a little extra oomph, so I sprinkled a little baking soda and water on them, and let them sit. But I must tell you, the shine that I saw from the racks (after scrubbing) was amazing. I even had to get my guy to come in and see them, and he was very impressed :) I ran and got my landlord to show her, and she was also thrilled, especially to find out there were no chemicals used! The best part about this, is that it is a gas powered appliance! A lot of chemicals seem to have trouble with gas ovens and stoves, so this little trick made me feel very safe :)
I also used a vinegar/water mixture to clean my bathroom. It worked on everything from the toilet to the mirrors. It was stinky at first, but when it dried, the smell just went away. I used baking soda on a couple stained spots and poof! gone.
I also used the vinegar mixture to clean the interior of Joshua's car. Seriously, vinegar, and baking soda are my two most favorite things right now :D
I found these other amazing vinegar things on Pinterest, and you should check them out, because vinegar is really amazing! I can't believe all these years I only used it for egg dying and cooking! My life will never be the same :)

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this, and it helped in some way!
It is kind of late here, and I have had a very long weekend. We are all happy to be home! I am going to post something to my smile page and then I think I am going to go to sleep :) Sorry if any of the post is nonsense, I don't sleep well when we travel, because then Evelyn sleeps with us... and she doesn't really sleep. So I don't really sleep.